Why AI needs NFTs

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AI generated image of Trump being arrested.

Since end of 2022, many conversations around NFTs and the metaverse have shifted to AI. One of the most common applications of AI in this context is the ability to generate images for NFT creation.

However, there are many other ways in which AI and blockchain intersect that are worth exploring. As AI technology continues to develop and become more sophisticated, concerns around ownership, data privacy and transparency have grown. This is where NFTs could play a crucial role in providing a solution.

Let’s take a dive into how AI can use blockchain for a fairer future.



AI models are traditionally trained on large data sets from various sources. However, individuals often have little say in how their personal data is used as ownership and control over the data are unclear (think about the artist protests against AI image generators). NFTs could create a new ownership structure for AI data sets. By creating an NFT for a data set, the contributor would retain ownership and control over it, and could even monetize it. This would incentivize individuals to contribute their data, potentially leading to more diverse and representative data sets.

Data privacy

Another area where the combo of AI & NFTs could be particularly useful is in healthcare. By training AI models on large and diverse sets of medical data, they can learn to identify patterns and make predictions with high accuracy that aid in accurate diagnosis, prognosis, and estimation of treatment effectiveness for individual patients. This can improve patient outcomes and lead to more personalized healthcare.

Additionally, AI models can help healthcare providers make more informed decisions by providing real-time insights and recommendations based on patient data. However, these models only work when they have access to appropriate personal data. Medical data is sensitive, and patients may be hesitant to share it for fear of misuse. Creating NFTs for their medical data would enabe patients to retain ownership and control over who can access it.

Humanness & ethical use


Another application for NFTs in AI is as a proof of personhood (PoP).
Recent developments in AI have made it challenging to differentiate between AI and human users on the internet. Think about fake accounts and AI-generated content that can (very) quickly scale. A need for authentic human recognition and verification is in order to improve online fairness, social interaction and trust. NFTs could potentially serve as a tool to verify the authenticity of an individual's identity.

With these applications, NFTs could ultimately lead to more ethical AI and transparent practices.

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